1 gas-distribution plant
- gas-distribution plant
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > gas-distribution plant
2 gas-distribution plant
English-german engineering dictionary > gas-distribution plant
3 gas distribution plant
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > gas distribution plant
4 gas-distribution plant
1) Техника: газораспределительная установка2) Строительство: газораспределительная станцияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > gas-distribution plant
5 gas-distribution plant
6 plant
- plant
- n1. оборудование инженерных систем здания
2. строительное оборудование (напр. землеройное, подъёмно-транспортное, для бетонных работ)
3. установка; агрегат; энергоблок; технологическая установка [система] ( в инженерных системах зданий)
4. электростанция
5. завод, фабрика; мастерская
- acetylene producing plant
- activated sludge plant
- aeration plant
- aeration-degassing plant
- aggregate batching plant
- aggregate preparation plant
- air conditioning plant
- air handling plant
- air supply plant
- all-dry cement plant
- all-wet cement plant
- augering plant
- automatic batching plant
- bank-filtered river water plant
- barge-mounted concrete plant
- batch plant
- batch mixing plant
- biological treatment plant
- block-making plant
- block plant
- boiler plant
- booster pumping plant
- builder's plant
- builder's small powered plant
- cement plant
- central plant
- central air conditioning plant
- central air-handling plant
- central boiler plant
- central heating plant
- central refrigerating plant
- chemical feed plant
- chlorination plant
- civil-engineering plant
- coating plant
- cold-storage plant
- compressor plant
- computerized plant
- concentrating plant
- concrete plant
- concrete production plant
- concrete spouting plant
- concreting plant
- construction plant
- contact stabilization plant
- continuous-mix plant
- conveying plant
- cooling plant
- crushing plant
- desalination plant
- desalting plant
- disposal plant
- diversion power plant
- drying plant
- dust arrestor plant
- dust extracting plant
- earth moving plant
- electric plant
- exhaust plant
- extended aeration plant
- filter plant
- filtration plant
- floating concrete plant
- floating pile-driving plant
- flotation plant
- freezing plant
- gas plant
- gas-distribution plant
- gas washing plant
- generating plant
- grading plant
- heat generation plant
- heating plant
- heating water converter plant
- high-pressure air conditioning plant
- hydro-electric plant
- incineration plant
- indoor power plant
- industrial plant
- initial screening and washing plant
- lime softening plant
- low-head power plant
- low-level mixing plant
- low-pressure air conditioning plant
- manufacturing plant
- mechanical plant
- mixing plant
- mix-in-travel plant
- municipal treatment plant
- open-air plant
- open-air water power plant
- ozone plant
- package plant
- petrochemical plant
- piling plant
- placing plant
- power plant
- precast concrete plant
- precast plant
- proportioning plant
- pumping plant
- purification plant
- pyrolysis plant
- ready mixed concrete plant
- refrigerating plant
- refuse incineration plant
- refuse processing plant
- reinforcement cutting and bending plant
- river-run power plant
- river power plant
- road-making plant
- roadstone aggregate plant
- roof top plant
- screening plant
- secondary treatment plant
- sedimentation plant
- semioutdoor-type power plant
- sewage dispersal plant
- site mechanical plant
- sludge digestion plant
- sludge treating plant
- small powered plant
- solar plant
- spouting plant
- steam plant
- steam-power plant
- step-up plant
- structural steel plant
- tertiary plant
- tidal power plant
- transporting plant
- treatment plant
- vacuum dewatering plant
- ventilation plant
- volumetric batch plant
- washing and screening plant
- waste-disposal plant
- waste-heat utilization plant
- water-catchment plant
- water conversion plant
- water purification plant
- water softening plant
- water treatment plant
- weight batch plant
- zeolite water softening plant
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
7 plant
1) установка; оборудование2) агрегат; механизм; энергоблок3) завод, фабрика, мастерская5) озеленять, сажать•plant and machinery register — реестр машин и оборудования (напр. строительной компании)
plant for technical ceramics and verified ceramics — установка для производства технической керамики и металлокерамики
plant for the preparation and transport of mastic asphalt — установка для подготовки и транспортировки литого асфальта
- activated sludge plant - aggregate batching plant - air-conditioning plant - air-supply plant - arc welding plant - asphalt plant - asphalt-mixing plant - asphalt preparation plant - asphalt-recycling plant - assembling plant - atomic power plant - automated concrete-mixing plant - automatic plant - batch plant - batch concrete mixing plant - batching plant - batch-weighing plant - biological treatment plant - bitumastic macadam mixing plant - bitumen-melting plant - bitumen-pumping plant - boiler plant - brick plant - facing brick plant - roof tile plant - brick-making plant - builder's plant - calcining plant - cement plant - central boiler plant - central mixing plant - chlorination plant - clarification plant - clay-drying plant - clay souring plant - coal grinding plant - coating plant - combined milling and burning plant - combined photovolcanic-deolian electric plant - compressor plant - concrete-mixing plant - concreting plant - construction plant - contractor's plant - crushing plant - crushing and screening plant - curing plants for the concrete block and precast concrete part industry - cutting plant - degreasing plant - desalination plant - diesel-engine power plant - disinfection plant - district heating plant - drying plant - earth freezing plant - earth-moving plant - effluent treatment plant - electric power plant - expanded clay plant - filter plant - final-screening plant - finish coat stacking and dry mixing mortar plant - fixed plant - flash-calcining plant - floating pile-driving plant - flotation plant - fuel-burning power plant - garbage-disposal plant - gas-fired plant - gravel plant - grinding wheel plant - grit-removal plant - heating plant - high head plant - hoisting plant - hydroelectric power plant - industrial plant - iron removal plant - light plant - lime-slaking plant - lime softening plant - loading plant - low head hydroelectric plant - manganese removal plant - milling plant - mixing plant - mixing plant and pavers for hydraulically bound base courses - mobile compressor plant - mobile concrete mixing plant - mobile crushing plant - mobile rock crushing and screening plant - mortar-mixing plant - multiple-arc welding plant - municipal sewage treatment plant - nuclear power plant - orbital power plant - ozone plant - ozone-ventilating plant - piling plant - pilot plant - placing plant - plaster plant - pontoon pile driving plant - portable compressor plant for painting work - power plant - primary treatment plant - proportioning plant - pump plant - pumping plant - pumped storage plant - purification plant - quarry plant - ready-mix plant - refrigerating plant - reverse osmosis plant - sand washing plant - sanitary ware plant - porcelain plant - secondary treatment plant - sedimentation plant - semi-mobile plant - semi-portable plant - sewage disposal plant - sewage pumping plant - sewage purification plant - sewage treatment plant - sintering plant - soil-mixing plant - solar plant - spraying plant - standby plant - steam plant - step-up plant - stoneware plant - tertiary plant - thermal power plant - tidal plant - tile-making plant - timber drying plant - tower-type concrete-mixing plant - transformer welding plant - travel plant - travelling mixing plant - treating plant - treatment plant - utility plant - vacuum-cleaning plant - vibration-rolled concrete plant - wall and floor tiles plant - washing plant - waste water treatment plant - water power plant - water softening plant - water treatment plantplant for the production of concrete polymer construction elements — установка для изготовления элементов из полимерного бетона
* * *1. оборудование инженерных систем здания2. строительное оборудование (напр. землеройное, подъёмно-транспортное, для бетонных работ)3. установка; агрегат; энергоблок; технологическая установка [система] ( в инженерных системах зданий)4. электростанция5. завод, фабрика; мастерская- acetylene producing plant
- activated sludge plant
- aeration plant
- aeration-degassing plant
- aggregate batching plant
- aggregate preparation plant
- air conditioning plant
- air handling plant
- air supply plant
- all-dry cement plant
- all-wet cement plant
- augering plant
- automatic batching plant
- bank-filtered river water plant
- barge-mounted concrete plant
- batch plant
- batch mixing plant
- biological treatment plant
- block-making plant
- block plant
- boiler plant
- booster pumping plant
- builder's plant
- builder's small powered plant
- cement plant
- central plant
- central air conditioning plant
- central air-handling plant
- central boiler plant
- central heating plant
- central refrigerating plant
- chemical feed plant
- chlorination plant
- civil-engineering plant
- coating plant
- cold-storage plant
- compressor plant
- computerized plant
- concentrating plant
- concrete plant
- concrete production plant
- concrete spouting plant
- concreting plant
- construction plant
- contact stabilization plant
- continuous-mix plant
- conveying plant
- cooling plant
- crushing plant
- desalination plant
- desalting plant
- disposal plant
- diversion power plant
- drying plant
- dust arrestor plant
- dust extracting plant
- earth moving plant
- electric plant
- exhaust plant
- extended aeration plant
- filter plant
- filtration plant
- floating concrete plant
- floating pile-driving plant
- flotation plant
- freezing plant
- gas plant
- gas-distribution plant
- gas washing plant
- generating plant
- grading plant
- heat generation plant
- heating plant
- heating water converter plant
- high-pressure air conditioning plant
- hydro-electric plant
- incineration plant
- indoor power plant
- industrial plant
- initial screening and washing plant
- lime softening plant
- low-head power plant
- low-level mixing plant
- low-pressure air conditioning plant
- manufacturing plant
- mechanical plant
- mixing plant
- mix-in-travel plant
- municipal treatment plant
- open-air plant
- open-air water power plant
- ozone plant
- package plant
- petrochemical plant
- piling plant
- placing plant
- power plant
- precast concrete plant
- precast plant
- proportioning plant
- pumping plant
- purification plant
- pyrolysis plant
- ready mixed concrete plant
- refrigerating plant
- refuse incineration plant
- refuse processing plant
- reinforcement cutting and bending plant
- river-run power plant
- river power plant
- road-making plant
- roadstone aggregate plant
- roof top plant
- screening plant
- secondary treatment plant
- sedimentation plant
- semioutdoor-type power plant
- sewage dispersal plant
- site mechanical plant
- sludge digestion plant
- sludge treating plant
- small powered plant
- solar plant
- spouting plant
- steam plant
- steam-power plant
- step-up plant
- structural steel plant
- tertiary plant
- tidal power plant
- transporting plant
- treatment plant
- vacuum dewatering plant
- ventilation plant
- volumetric batch plant
- washing and screening plant
- waste-disposal plant
- waste-heat utilization plant
- water-catchment plant
- water conversion plant
- water purification plant
- water softening plant
- water treatment plant
- weight batch plant
- zeolite water softening plant -
8 plant
1) завод; фабрика; предприятие2) установка; агрегат3) электрическая станция, электростанция, ЭС (см. тж
station)4) энергоблок5) цех; отделение; мастерская6) установка сейсмоприёмника в грунте || устанавливать сейсмоприёмник в грунт•-
absorption plant
absorption refrigerating plant
accumulator plant
acetylene compressing plant
acid recovery acid restoring plant
acid recovery plant
adsorption plant
aerodrome accumulator plant
agglomeration plant
air separation plant
air-cooled refrigerating plant
aircraft development plant
aircraft manufacturing plant
aircraft overhaul plant
aircraft plant
aircraft washing plant
air-storage gas turbine plant
air-storage power plant
alkylation plant
arc-furnace plant
arc-welding plant
asphalt plant
assembly plant
atomic marine plant
atomic power plant
automatic flour handling plant
auto-shredding plant
auxiliary gas turbine power plant
back-pressure heat generation plant
bakery plant
baling plant
basic arc-furnace plant
basic slag-grinding plant
batching plant
batch-weighing plant
Bessemer plant
biogas producing plant
blackout plant
blast-furnace plant
blending plant
bob-tail plant
boiler plant
bow-type plant
box plant
bread-making plant
breaking plant
brick-making plant
brine refrigerating plant
bulk plant
butter-making plant
by-product coke plant
by-product recovery plant
by-products plant
can-making plant
canning plant
captive plant
car assembly plant
carbon dioxide refrigerating plant
carbon plant
car-repair plant
casinghead gasoline plant
casting plant
CDQ plant
cell plant
centralized photovoltaic power plant
central-mixing plant
centrifugal refrigerating plant
centrifuge isotope separation plant
charge preparation plant
cheese-making plant
chemical desalting plant
chemical separation plant
circulation degassing plant
clarification plant
clay-drying plant
closed-cycle cryogenic plant
coal gasification-gas cleaning plant
coal-cleaning plant
coal-conveying plant
coal-fired plant
coal-injection plant
coal-liquefaction plant
coal-preparation plant
coal-pulverizing plant
coal-reduction plant
coal-to-methanol plant
coal-washing plant
cogeneration plant
coke dry-quenching plant
coke-handling plant
coke-pitch plant
coke-quenching plant
coking plant
combination topping and cracking plant
combined heat power plant
combined photovoltaic-deolian electric plant
combined-cycle plant
combined-cycle steam plant
combiner plant
compressor plant
concentration plant
concrete product plant
concrete-mixing plant
concreting plant
condensate liquid recovery plant
condensate purification plant
condensing plant
confectionary producing plant
confectionary plant
constant-head plant
contactor centrifuge acid treating plant
continuous-casting plant
conventional power plant
converter plant
cooling plant
copper-smelting plant
countercurrent ion exchange plant
CR plant
crushing plant
cryogenic freezing plant
cryogenic power generation plant
crystal drawing plant
cutting and shearing plant
cycle-degassing plant
cycling plant
deaerating plant
degreasing plant
dendro-thermal power plant
desalting plant
desinfection plant
detinning plant
dewatering plant
diesel engine power plant
direct-expansion refrigerating plant
disposal plant
distilling plant
district-heating plant
diversion plant
double-strand plant
drainage pumping plant
drop-hammer plant
dry-process plant
dual-purpose turbine plant
dust extraction plant
dust handling plant
earth-freezing plant
earth-moving plant
EBM plant
EBR plant
ECM plant
edible fat plant
EDR plant
effluent treatment plant
eight-strand plant
ejector refrigerating plant
electric pig-iron plant
electric power plant
electrical propulsion plant
electricity distribution plant
electrochemical machining plant
electrodialysis plant
electrodialysis reversal plant
electrolytic tinning plant
electron-beam-melting plant
electron-beam-refining plant
electrostatic precipitation desalting plant
engineering plant
evaporation plant
extraction plant
extra-terrestrial power plant
fabric-dipping plant
feed milling
fermentation plant
filter plant
finishing plant
fish processing plant
fission power plant
fixed plant
fixed-head power plant
flexible manufacturing plant
flexing generating plant
floating nuclear power plant
floating pile-driving plant
floating power plant
flotation plant
flour milling plant
folding carton plant
food concentrate plant
force ventilation plant
formcoke plant
fossil-fuel plant
fractional horsepower refrigerating plant
fractional ton refrigerating plant
fragmentation plant
freezing plant
fruit-and-vegetable processing plant
fuel-pulverizing plant
full-fashioned sweater plant
full-scale plant
fume-cleaning plant
fume-extraction plant
furniture plant
fusion power plant
galvanizing plant
gas absorption plant
gas fire extinguishing plant
gas fractionation plant
gas liquids plant
gas plant
gas turbine power plant
gas turbine plant
gas-and-oil-buming power plant
gas-carburizing plant
gas-cleaning plant
gas-compressor plant
gaseous-diffusion plant
gas-fired plant
gas-generator plant
gasification-based combined cycle plant
gasifier-combined cycle plant
gasoline plant
gas-producer plant
gas-treating plant
gas-washing plant
generating plant
geothermal power plant
glass-manufacturing plant
glass-recycling plant
grading plant
graphite plant
graphite recovery plant
grease plant
hardening plant
H-cycle plant
heat power plant
heat pump plant
heat raising plant
heat-electric generating plant
heating and power plant
heating network plant
heating plant
heating-water converter plant
heavy-water plant
high-capacity refrigerating plant
high-head power plant
H-iron plant
hot dip filming plant
hot water peaking boiler plant
hybrid wind-photovoltaic plant
hydroelectric power plant
hydroelectric plant
hydroelectric pumped storage power plant
hydro-photovoltaic plant
ice plant
incinerator plant
indicator plant
industrial power plant
industrial steam plant
industrial waste treatment plant
industrial-scale plant
in-house printing plant
intake plant
integral coal gasification combined cycle plant
integrated steel plant
interlocking plant
intermediate solar plant
internal combustion power plant
ion-exchange plant
ion-exchange softening plant
iron powder plant
iron-ore pelletizing plant
isolated generating plant
isotope separation plant
jobbing plant
Kaldo-steelmaking plant
Kaldo plant
killing plant
laboratory-scale plant
ladle degassing plant
ladle-spraying plant
LD plant
LDAC oxygen-steelmaking plant
light plant
liquefied natural gas plant
liquefied petroleum gas plant
liquid freezing plant
liquor plant
loading plant
local plant
locomobile power plant
locomotive repair plant
loop plant
low-capacity refrigerating plant
low-head power plant
lube plant
machine tool plant
magnetohydrodynamic power plant
main propulsion machinery plant
marine reactor plant
marine refrigerating plant
meat packing plant
meat producing plant
mechanical air-conditioning plant
mechanical drive gas turbine plant
mechanical refrigerating plant
medium-head power plant
merchant-coke plant
metals-recovery plant
MHD power plant
midget power plant
milk plant
milling plant
mine-mouth power plant
mixed pumped-storage plant
mixing plant
mobile power plant
mold degassing plant
mold hydraulic cleaning plant
mortar-mixing plant
muck-shifting plant
mud-mixing plant
multiple-unit power plant
multipurpose sea-water desalination plant
multistrand plant
multiunit power plant
naphtha-treating plant
natural gasoline plant
natural gas-sweetening plant
noncondensing power plant
nonintegrated steel plant
nonterrestrial power plant
nuclear cogeneration plant
nuclear gas turbine plant
nuclear heating plant
nuclear power plant
nuclear steam power plant
oil shale retorting plant
oil-and-gas gathering plant
oil-burning power plant
oil-desulfurization plant
oil-extraction plant
oil-fired plant
oil-reclamation plant
oil-treating plant
on-line gas plant
open-coil annealing plant
open-cycle gas turbine plant
open-hearth plant
orbital power plant
orbital solar power plant
ore-bedding plant
ore-blending plant
ore-breaker plant
ore-conditioning plant
ore-dressing plant
ore-roasting plant
ore-washing plant
outdoor-type power plant
oxidizing plant
oxygen-converter plant
ozone plant
packaged power plant
packaged refrigerating plant
packing plant
paint varnish and lacquer plant
pallet conveyor mold-type plant
paperboard plant
peaking power plant
peaking boiler plant
peak-shaving liquefied natural gas plant
pellet plant
petroleum chemical plant
photovoltaic power plant
physical plant
pickling plant
pig-casting plant
pilot plant
plating plant
plywood manufacturing plant
polymerization plant
pontoon pile-driving plant
power plant
preserving plant
printing plant
process gas turbine plant
processing plant
Prolerizing plant
propulsion plant
public utility power plant
public-service power plant
pulverized-coal-fired plant
pulverizing plant
pump plant
pumped-storage plant
pumping plant
pumping-generating plant
quick-freezing plant
radiant freeze-drying plant
ready-mix plant
recovery plant
reforming plant
refrigerating plant
refuse-fired plant
regasifying plant
regenerative gas turbine plant
relift pumping plant
rendering plant
retreading plant
reverse osmosis plant
rolling plant
route interlocking plant
run-of-river plant
sack filling plant
salt plant
sand-preparing plant
satellite printing plant
scrap-shredding plant
screening plant
sea-water desalting plant
sedimentation plant
self-contained rail welding plant
self-contained refrigerating plant
self-sufficient plant
semiclosed-cycle gas turbine plant
semiunderground plant
separating plant
sewage disposal plant
simple-cycle gas turbine plant
simulated power plant
single-pool power plant
single-strand plant
single-unit plant
sinking plant
sintering plant
sizing plant
skimming plant
slab-producting plant
slag-expanding plant
slag-screening plant
slaughtering and meat processing plant
slaughtering plant
sludge filtration plant
small-size refrigerating plant
smoke extractor plant
soap plant
solar ice plant
solar plant
solar power plant
solar tower plant
solvent-extraction plant
split-shaft gas turbine plant
sputtering plant
stabilization plant
stand-alone solar power plant
standby plant
stationary gas turbine plant
stationary refrigerating plant
steam condensing plant
steam plant
steam power plant
steam-electric-turbine plant
steaming plant
steel continuous casting plant
steel plant
storage plant
stream degassing plant
stripping plant
sugar refining plant
sulfur recovery plant
sunken-type plant
superposed plant
supplementary fired combined cycle plant
supplementary heating plant
sweater knitting plant
tap-degassing plant
tar-boiling plant
tea plant
television plant
tertiary plant
thermal power plant
thermal plant
thermodynamic solar power plant
thermoelectric refrigerating plant
tidal power plant
tiger topping plant
tinning plant
tin-refining plant
tin-smelting plant
tonnage oxygen plant
top-blown oxygen vessel plant
topping plant
tower-type plant
train washing plant
transformer plant
trash-fired power plant
traveling pneumatic grain-discharging plant
treatment plant
tritium removal plant
turbine plant
turbo-refrigerating plant
two-axes focusing solar plant
two-shaft plant
ultrafiltration concentration plant
undercar power plant
underground nuclear power plant
underwater nuclear power plant
unit refrigerating plant
uranium enrichment plant
vacuum casting plant
vacuum degassing plant
vacuum dezincing plant
vacuum gas turbine plant
vacuum metallothermic plant
vacuum molding plant
vacuum-decarburization plant
variable-head power plant
variable-load power plant
vertical plant
vulcanizing plant
washing plant
waste disposal plant
waste-to-energy cogeneration plant
waste-to-energy plant
water demineralization plant
water softening plant
water treatment plant
water-cooling plant
waterpower plant
wave energy plant
wax plant
wet-process plant
wind-mill electric generating plant
wire-drawing plant
year-round air-conditioning plant
zero-discharge plant
zinc ore roasting plant
zinc-smelting plant -
9 distribution
1) распределение
2) пароприемный
3) раздавание
4) раздача
5) спектр
6) распространение
7) обобщенная функция
8) размещение
9) расположение
10) россыпь
11) распределенность
– bimodal distribution
– binomial distribution
– bivariate distribution
– call distribution
– circular distribution
– conditional distribution
– contagious distribution
– continuous distribution
– current distribution
– density distribution
– discontinuous distribution
– discrete distribution
– dissection of a distribution
– dissection of distribution
– distribution amplifier
– distribution board
– distribution box
– distribution cabinet
– distribution coefficient
– distribution coefficient
– distribution cost
– distribution curve
– distribution device
– distribution diagram
– distribution function
– distribution in time
– distribution law
– distribution network
– distribution of a sample
– distribution of demand
– distribution of eigenvalues
– distribution of gas
– distribution parameter
– distribution pattern
– distribution plant
– distribution plate
– distribution shaft
– distribution substation
– distribution valve
– Dryuvesteyn distribution
– energy distribution
– error distribution
– failure distribution
– fiducial distribution
– folded distribution
– frequency distribution
– Gaussian distribution
– genotype distribution
– heterogeneous distribution
– hypergeometric distribution
– inhomogeneous distribution
– joint distribution
– Junge distribution
– kurtosis of a distribution
– level-density distribution
– limiting distribution
– linear distribution
– load distribution
– logarithmic-series distribution
– lognormal distribution
– marginal distribution
– Maxwellian distribution
– multidimensional distribution
– multimodal distribution
– multinomial distribution
– multivariate distribution
– parent distribution
– probability distribution
– pulse-height distribution
– random distribution
– range of a distribution
– remainder of the distribution
– sampling distribution
– sex distribution
– simultaneous distribution
– span of distribution
– state of distribution
– tail of the distribution
– tempered distribution
– Treanor distribution
– uniform distribution
– unimodal distribution
asymptotically normal distribution — асимптотически-нормальное распределение
bivariate normal distribution — двумерное нормальное распределение
color distribution coefficient — <opt.> коэффициент цвета
compound frequency distribution — <math.> плотность распределения осредненная
degree of non-singularity of a distribution — мера невырожденности распределения
distribution function analyzer — анализатор функции распределения
distribution of exponential type — распределение экспоненциального типа
distribution power transformer — трансформатор силовой линейный
grand canonical distribution — <math.> ансамбль большой канонический
inverted beta distribution — <math.> квантили бета-распределения
load distribution unit — <engin.> блок распределения нагрузки
logarithmically normal distribution — логарифмически-нормальное распределение
moment distribution method — метод перераспределения моментов
multipoint distribution system — многоадресная система распределения ТВ-программ
non-singular normal distribution — собственное нормальное распределение
parallel distribution in the large — параллельностное распределение в целом
particle size distribution — <ecol.> состав гранулометрический
singular normal distribution — несобственное нормальное распределение
solid of light distribution — <opt.> тело фотометрическое
submerged distribution plate — затопленный пароприемный лист
10 plant
1) растение
2) насаживать
3) поджимный
4) сажать
5) установка
6) <industr.> завод
7) агрегат
8) фабрика
9) станция
– assembly plant
– automatic plant
– automobile plant
– Bessemer plant
– calcining plant
– casting plant
– chemicals plant
– chlorination plant
– coking plant
– commercial plant
– compressor plant
– concrete-mixing plant
– cryogenic plant
– decontamination plant
– degassing plant
– diesel plant
– distillation plant
– distribution plant
– dye plant
– engineering plant
– feed-processing plant
– fodder plant
– food plant
– formula-feed plant
– garbage-disposal plant
– generating plant
– handling plant
– hardware plant
– headquarters plant
– heavy-chemicals plant
– hoisting plant
– ice-making plant
– isolated plant
– laboratory-scale plant
– lighting plant
– machine-tool plant
– mixing plant
– native plant
– nuclear plant
– oil-extraction plant
– opener plant
– outside plant
– oxygen plant
– oxygen-converter plant
– package plant
– pasteurizing plant
– pilot plant
– pilot-production plant
– pipe-rolling plant
– plant beets
– plant capacity
– plant compressor
– plant equation
– plant lag
– plant standard
– power plant
– processing plant
– proportioning plant
– propulsion plant
– pumping plant
– radiation plant
– radiobiological plant
– radiochemical plant
– radioisotope plant
– radiophysical plant
– rag-processing plant
– refrigerating plant
– rendering plant
– roasting plant
– salt-making plant
– sintering plant
– sprinkler plant
– stand-by plant
– steam-gas plant
– steam-turbine plant
– steel-making plant
– superphosphate plant
– tractor plant
– tube-welding plant
– turbine plant
– water-desalinating plant
– water-treatment plant
– welding plant
chemical engineering plant — химико-технологическая установка
coal-burning power plant — электростанция на твердом топливе
electric power plant — силовая электроустановка, <engin.> электростанция
engine-propeller power plant — винтомоторная силовая установка
heat-electric generating plant — теплофикационная электростанция
hydroelectric power plant — <energ.> гидростанция, гидроэлектростанция, гэс
integrated metallurgical plant — <metal.> завод с законченным металлургическим циклом
integrated steel plant — <metal.> комбинат металлургический
nitrogen fertilizer plant — <agric.> завод азотно-туковый
power plant topping — <engin.> надстройка
preparation plant output — < mining> выход продуктов обогащения
wind-turbine electric plant — <energ.> электростанция ветровая
11 plant
1) агрегат; установка2) завод; фабрика; предприятие3) растение || сажать растения4) станция5) авт. объект (управления)•- integrated metallurgical plant - tobacco processing plant -
12 газораспределительная станция
1) Engineering: gas-distributing station2) Construction: gas-distribution plant3) Oil: delivery measuring station4) Drilling: ГРС5) Sakhalin energy glossary: regulatory station6) Oil&Gas technology gas-distribution station7) oil&gas: city gate, delivery point (http://www.adventuresinenergy.org/Natural-Gas-Pipelines/City-Gates.html Практически совпадает с описанием ГРС в БСЭ и Википедии.), gas control unit, gas distributing plant, gas distribution plant, gas-control unit, gas-distributing plant, ГРПШ, ШРП, ГРУ, ГРП, gas cabinet, gas delivery measuring station, gas measuring station, gas-measuring station8) Caspian: main facility, Gas Separation Station9) Camera recording: gas distribution station (АД)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > газораспределительная станция
13 газораспределительный пункт
1) Sakhalin R: gas-distributing point2) oil&gas: gas control unit, gas distributing plant, gas distribution plant, gas-control unit, gas-distributing plant, gas-distribution plant, ГРПШ, ШРП, ГРУ, ГРП, gas cabinet3) Facilities: gas distribution pointУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > газораспределительный пункт
14 ГРП
1) Mining: underground miner (горнорабочий подземный)2) Abbreviation: SRC (State Registration Chamber) (Государственная регистрационная палата)4) Sakhalin energy glossary: frac, fracturing, fracturing treatment, gas-distributing point (газораспределительный пункт), hydraulic fracturing, reservoir fracturing5) Sakhalin R: газораспределительный пункт, гидравлический разрыв пласта, гидроразрыв пласта6) Sakhalin S: группа руководства проекта7) oil&gas: formation hydraulic fracturing, frac job, fraccing, fracing, fracking, fracture treatment, fracturing of formation, hydrafrac, hydraulic fracture, hydro-frac, hydrofrac, hydrofracturing, well fracturing, газораспределительная подстанция, gas control unit, gas distributing plant, gas distribution plant, gas-control unit, gas-distributing plant, gas-distribution plant, ГРПШ, ШРП, ГРУ, газораспределительная станция, газорегуляторная установка, газорегуляторный пункт, газорегуляторный пункт шкафной, шкафной газорегуляторный пункт, шкафной регуляторный пункт, gas cabinet, гидравлический разрыв, гидроразрыв, разрыв пласта8) Water supply: PIU (Группа реализации Проекта), Project Implementation Unit -
1) oil&gas: gas control unit, gas distributing plant, gas distribution plant, gas-control unit, gas-distributing plant, gas-distribution plant, ГРП, ГРУ, ШРП, газораспределительная станция, газораспределительный пункт, газорегуляторная установка, газорегуляторный пункт, газорегуляторный пункт шкафной, шкафной газорегуляторный пункт, шкафной регуляторный пункт, gas cabinet -
16 ГРУ
1) Military: GRU, main intelligence directorate of the Russian General Staff, Главное разведывательное управление2) Banking: Main Regional Directorate (Приватбанка, Украина)3) Sakhalin energy glossary: gas-distributing unit (газораспределительная установка)4) Sakhalin R: газораспределительная установка5) oil&gas: gas control unit, gas distributing plant, gas distribution plant, gas-control unit, gas-distributing plant, gas-distribution plant, ГРПШ, ШРП, ГРП, газораспределительная станция, газораспределительный пункт, газорегуляторная установка, газорегуляторный пункт, газорегуляторный пункт шкафной, шкафной газорегуляторный пункт, шкафной регуляторный пункт, gas cabinet6) Electricity: main switchgear (главное распределительное устройство) -
17 ШРП
1) Power engineering: шкафной распределительный пункт, шкафной регуляторный пункт2) oil&gas: шкаф распределения питания, gas control unit, gas distributing plant, gas distribution plant, gas-control unit, gas-distributing plant, gas-distribution plant, ГРПШ, ГРП, ГРУ, газораспределительная станция, газораспределительный пункт, газорегуляторная установка, газорегуляторный пункт, газорегуляторный пункт шкафной, шкафной газорегуляторный пункт, gas cabinet -
18 газорегуляторная установка
1) Construction: gas control unitУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > газорегуляторная установка
19 газорегуляторный пункт
1) Construction: gas control unitУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > газорегуляторный пункт
20 газорегуляторный пункт шкафной
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > газорегуляторный пункт шкафной
См. также в других словарях:
Gas engine — This article is about engines that use gaseous fuel. For gasoline engines, see Petrol engine. For other uses, see Internal combustion engine. Model of an S type Hartop Gas Engine. A gas engine means an engine running on a gas, such as coal gas,… … Wikipedia
plant disease — ▪ plant pathology Introduction an impairment of the normal state of a plant that interrupts or modifies its vital functions. All species of plants, wild and cultivated alike, are subject to disease. Although each species is… … Universalium
Gas oil separation plant — (GOSP) is a type of plant used primarily in the oil industry. Saudi Aramco has at least three majors GOSPs, including one in Sheyba.Produce crude oil is sent to a Gas Oil Separation Plant or GOSP to be divided into oil and associated gases, which … Wikipedia
plant — plantable, adj. plantless, adj. plantlike, adj. /plant, plahnt/, n. 1. any member of the kingdom Plantae, comprising multicellular organisms that typically produce their own food from inorganic matter by the process of photosynthesis and that… … Universalium
Gas lighting — For other uses, see Gaslight (disambiguation). Gas lighting is production of artificial light from combustion of a gaseous fuel, including hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, propane, butane, acetylene, ethylene, or natural gas. Before… … Wikipedia
Gas and Fuel Corporation of Victoria — The Gas and Fuel Corporation of Victoria was a government owned monopoly supplier of household gas in Victoria, Australia. The Corporation replaced the Melbourne Metropolitan Gas Company in 1951. In 1971 the Corporation acquired the Geelong Gas… … Wikipedia
Natural gas — For other uses, see Natural gas (disambiguation). Natural gas extraction by countries in cubic meters per year. Natural gas is a naturally occurring gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, typically with 0–20% higher hydrocarbons[1] … Wikipedia
South Pars / North Dome Gas-Condensate field — South Pars / North Dome Field … Wikipedia
History of the petroleum industry in Canada (natural gas liquids) — Canada s natural gas liquids industry dates back to the discovery of wet natural gas at Turner Valley, Alberta in 1914. The gas was less important than the natural gasoline skunk gas it was called, because of its distinctive odour that early… … Wikipedia
Pacific Gas and Electric Company — For the 1970s rock music band, see Pacific Gas Electric (band). : PG E redirects here. For the Portland, Oregon electric utility, see Portland General Electric. Infobox Company company name = Pacific Gas and Electric Company company company type … Wikipedia
Natural-gas processing — is a complex industrial process designed to clean raw natural gas by separating impurities and various non methane hydrocarbons and fluids to produce what is known as pipeline quality dry natural gas.[1] Contents 1 Background 2 Types of raw… … Wikipedia